Ron Andrews
After my heart attack in 2002 my doctor recommended I join the Cardiac Rehab Program. I wore a heart monitor and was put on an exercise and strength training routine and had a nurse monitoring me at all times. I went to classes to learn about health food and what to avoid. I also learned about collateral (coronary) arteries as an advantage in case of another heart attack.
When I finished cardiac rehab, I joined the maintenance program. Three days a week I exercise with the same routine as rehab.
In 2010, I had to go back into the hospital and was told I needed a triple bypass. Thanks to cardiac rehab and maintenance, the doctor told me that because of my collateral arteries, I “survived.” His words exactly. I will be starting my fifteenth year in the program soon and as long as I am able, I will be at it three days a week. Thanks to all the staff who were and are there for me. They are the best. - Ron Andrews, Attleboro