Critical Care
Intensive Care Unit (ICU)
An Intensive Care Unit (ICU) is designed and staffed to deliver the highest level of medical and nursing care to the sickest patients. In general, patients who are critically ill, unstable, in need of intensive treatment, and/or continuous monitoring are admitted to the ICU. The care environment in our ICU includes state-of-the-art technology and equipment. Keep in mind that everything is there to assist the staff in providing the best care for each patient. The ICU staff consists mainly of doctors, nurses, patient care technicians, and respiratory therapists. The staff is highly skilled in providing the kind of care your loved one needs at this critical time. A large support staff completes the critical care team, with participation from radiology, laboratory services, social services and case management, pharmacy, dietary, physical therapy, pastoral care, and interpreter services.
Individualized Care
The individualized care provided to your loved one is carefully planned. If you have a question or concern regarding that care, the nurse assigned to care for your loved one is your first resource. The nurse will communicate your concerns to the appropriate staff in order to develop a plan of care that truly reflects patient/family needs. It's important for you and your family to establish a schedule that allows for getting proper rest and regular meals. Spending long hours or the night in the family lounge can exhaust family members, leaving them tired and ill prepared to comfort loved ones or make critical decisions regarding care. Be assured the staff will call if there is a serious change in status.
ICU Family Guidelines
Limiting visitation supports the patient's rest and recovery. Frequent bedside care and treatments may also limit visiting time. If you feel ill today, or have a cold, please postpone your visit. Generally, children under the age of 14 are not allowed to visit. It can be helpful to visit our patients & visitors section, as well as review our visiting hours prior to your visit.
ICU patients are sometimes placed on isolation. Please follow the directions posted at the entrance to the patient's room, and consult the nurse if needed. Personalizing the environment, especially for patients with a prolonged length of stay, benefits the patient, and provides us with an opportunity to know your loved one better. Families may bring in photos and other personal items that may lift the patient's spirits. Please choose only small, non-breakable items.
Family Spokesperson
A family spokesperson is a person chosen by the family to represent the family. This person acts as the voice for the family, and is also the primary recipient of information about the patient. The spokesperson assists the family by relaying updates to family and friends. This guards patient confidentiality and protects privacy, as required by federal law (HIPPA). We will provide the family spokesperson with preferred call-in times, and will request a contact phone number. We will give this number to callers seeking information about the patient. Callers will be referred to the family spokesperson for updates and information about the patient's condition. If there is a serious change in the patient's condition, the emergency contact identified at admission and the spokesperson will be notified.