Jennifer Goyette-Mercier, CLT, DPT, PT

Physical Therapy

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Jennifer Goyette-Mercier DPT, CLT, CST is a lymphedema and oncology physical therapist at Sturdy Health Rehabilitation Services in Attleboro, Massachusetts. Jennifer earned a Doctor of Physical Therapy, a Master of Physical Therapy, and a Bachelor of Rehabilitation Health Science from Northeastern University. Jennifer is a Certified Lymphedema Therapist working with cancer patients to watch for and assist patients in managing complications of cancer such as lymphedema, limitations in strength, range of motion, or pain. She is also a craniosacral therapist utilizing a hands-on massaging technique to release tension around the body's connective tissue network called the fascia.

Get to Know the Provider

How do you approach care?

I approach every case with a desire to understand a patient's full medical history and try to come up with the best treatment plan for that specific case. No two patients are the same, nor should their treatments be.  People living with lymphedema or cancer have very specific problems and needs, and I am happy to be able to provide relief and help each patient that walks into my office.

What inspired you to pursue a career in healthcare and your specialty?

I have always had a love for the sciences as well as a desire to help others. Physical Therapy seemed a perfect fit for both of my interests. I became interested in lymphedema and cancer rehabilitation once exposed to it in my first job setting with other skilled and experienced therapists. 

Why did you choose to join Sturdy Health?

I am an Attleboro resident myself and have always believed that community hospitals have a benefit over the larger hospitals in individualized and personalized care. The lymphedema therapist role became available while I was working per diem as a staff physical therapist, and I jumped at the opportunity to be able to help those in my community.

What are your personal interests?

I am an avid gardener and love working outdoors. I have two children who both play hockey, so when I am not at work, I am the team manager as well! 







Lymphedema Therapy, Craniosacral Therapy


Northeastern University, Doctor of Physical Therapy | Northeastern University, Master of Physical Therapy | Northeastern University, Bachelor of Rehabilitation Health Science

Board Certified

Certified Lymphedema Therapist, Norton School of Lymphatic Therapy

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